b8ikm4rfv.muffypuccio.classblog@blogger.com Don't let_ you,r hunger overcom*e your des*ire t.o look good!' Thi*nk about obese pe-opl*e and kids. -One size+ fits all does no+t apply to. paink'illers. 'Never share+ your prescripti*on dr*ug with anyone*. If yo.u have ex*tra weight yo*u are at+ risk of seriou-s h.ealth probl-ems that may oc_cur due to ,obesit_y. The risk of. an-tibiotic associa*ted di-arrhea rises 'with how oft*en and how. long th.e drug is ta.ken. -Asthma is *a chron,ic inflamm-ation of bronc'hial tubes -that ,causes narro.wing of the -airways.' There is -a wide list _of hereditary- factors t.hat de+termine y*our health.+ Is yo.ur allergy g.enetic? It is est-i+mated that more ,than. 150 people i,n the USA die -a year from, a seve+re allergic ,reaction. P,ain medicat+ions are, safe an'd effective +when ,used as dir*ected. And you- should be- very+ careful! S+ay HI to lo*ng night, full of *sex and passion! T,his medica'tion will- c+hange everything!- It is a hig*h pro-bability that y,o*u or somebody you k-now is -a sufferer of, ob+esity. Check out!- +Obesity is ,the result +of the body'_s inabili+ty to bala+nce calorie+ intake and ene'r,gy expenditure-. This ,type of ant*ibiotic naturall,y turned c_ontempor_ary pharm.acy upside do.wn.. You should try!- If 'too much ch,olesterol build,s u-p in your body, th,e blood c+annot -flow throu-gh to you,r heart. I+f too muc-h cholesterol 'builds up in 'yo,ur body, the -blood cannot f,low -through to your* hear_t. Up to 4 out o-f 5 peop*le with asth.ma ha+ve trouble with+ nois,y breathing durin,g, or after exerc.ise. Are _you satisfied' with the+ amo.unt of sex you hav.e ever*y week'? I can improv-e it 10 times'! We need -cholestero-l, but to-o much of -it c,an increase our. risk of+ developing he*art dise*ase. Ea-ch year peopl.e spe'nd huge money on di.et consult*ants+, books. and pills, bu,t only_ few lose weight. .Americ+a's mos,t popular .impotence medica-tions ha-ve ne.ver been th_at cheap!* Try out! Negl*ecting medical- advice. you can -also tur+n a minor hea_lth pro*blem into a se-rious concern,. Cholest.ero*l is a fat-li*ke material in 'your. blood. And yo-ur body ma*kes 'its own cholest'erol…* We love helping _peop,le! That's wh-y today .we offer you o_ur ,new weight' loss program at+ 20%. .Many times, sin_usitis tri'gger-s asthma sympt,oms, such as- co_ughing, sneezing *and whe*ezing. Organ m.eat*s are high in c,holesterol c.on*tent, but foods of, p.lant origin contain+ no' choleste_rol. The 'number of ove,rweight and ob,ese America,ns has i.ncreased con'tin_uously since y'ear 1960. +Antibiotics ,are us+ually ta+ken by mouth, bu-t can someti_mes be* given, into a v,ein, into a mus*cle. ,A broad spectrum an-tibioti+c is usef,ul fo-r treating infect+ion_s that might_ be caus+ed by bacteria_. Regular exer,cis'e, like biki*ng or walk_ing, can lower _your kid's* risk for* cardiovas'cular* disease. Is you.r natura+l hormone pr_oduction en+ough to+ have se'x several t*imes per* night? Check ou-t!* One of the most- common_ side eff*ects of antibi,otics is .yeas.t overgrowth. _It's dangero-us… Why- are pe,ople getting- addicted t-o painkiller,s more+ than the other, lethal d*rugs or _alcohol?* Antibiotics w*ill not c*ure viral, illnesses', such as:+ sore th+roats not caus+ed by st.rep, runny 'noses. So.me antibioti_cs become les,s effecti,ve .if they are tak'en with food. +Observe +the in-structions! -As many as 20%' of Americ+a'ns believe- they have- a food allergy…b,ut less .than 1% r+eally do. +While asthma sy,mptom,s can beg*in at any age, m'o_st children have t*heir firs*t s'ymptoms by 5. -Our sp,ecial guest, Dr.+ Kreuzlange w+ill tell -you every+thing +about impot.ence in men! 'There is a _delicate ba_lan_ce of billions, of ba.cteria inside ou'r dig'estive tract. G+et prepa+red! One in -7 *men who become +unempl-oyed will de.velop dep'ression &. impotence with-in 6 months,. An,tibiotics, are the first line- of defen'se aga+inst ma-ny infections. 'But they d'o not aff_ect viruses. _I h-ave never told' anyone about_ the fa_ct tha.t this ex*cellent antibio.tic actually s,aved. my life once_. Ta+king antibiotics wh'en y.ou have a viral, infecti'on will be a 'terrible. mistake! Do+n't do- that! Weight' re.gain after' obesity treatmen-t is 'quite a normal +thing, but+ I know_ how to main-tai,n weight! We don't 'know wh,at it mean.s to suff.er from asth,ma but .we know how ,to help _these p-eople. There's *no such thing* as *free lunch! Yo.u have t'o pay 10% f'or most 'effective* medication! W-hen asthma s'ymptoms- get+ more intens+e and/or- additional sy,mptoms ap+pear, this 'is an attack_. Does_ stress tr*igger as.thma? Stres-s is a common 'asthma tri+gger, causing. you ,to feel anxious._ How d'oes cholestero,l cause h_ea+rt disease? Learn ,everything. about *your r*isk of heart, attack. +Sedentary p_eople bur_n fewer calor-ies than+ people who stay+ 'active all their ,life.. It's about obes+it+y! It is a* high probability t'hat you o*r somebody ,you kn,ow is a suff,erer o-f obesity. C.heck o-ut! Discover the +speci-al dietary -tips you 'must kn-ow if you *have any p_roblems with breat*hing. Tr,y out ,alternative. methods of pot_ency, improvem.ent before -you decide to t_ry surgery.- Asthma ,affec.ts people diff+erently. Each .is un_ique in their' degree of ,reactiv+ity to t*riggers+. It's easy to .get rid of e-rectile dysf_u-nction if y.ou chose the right- -medication,! Try it out! A s-evere .asthma att_ack can b*e life-threaten.ing. Ma.ke sure, you have* an emerge-ncy plan! Never 'take ant-ibiotics pres+cribe'd for another p_erson +or share .your lefto+ver drugs w*ith anyone+. A man hav.ing an erection. is not n_ecessaril'y ready for -sex. Ou.r body ,often plays -tricks on us+. Eatin*g healthie+r products wi,th smal'ler calorie .intake is v.ital to over-comi+ng obes+ity & getting sli,m. W.hat are opi+oids? Opi_oids are dr'ugs that contai.n opium or a_re. derived from and' i.mitate opiu+m. Why shoul'd I worry* about extra w'eight if .I'm s,lim and bea'utiful? Obesit+y will never c*ome? Na+rcotic -painkillers d-ecrease+ functions w'ithin. the centra+l nervous syst*em. Use 'safe drug_s! I don't +need neither m.iracles, n*or magic _to have +great sex at* the ag_e of 55! A'll I nee,d is… There are n.o _cures for allerg'ies. Alle+rgies, can be man*aged with. proper prevent.ion and treatm-e+nt. Food allerge,ns can* crop u'p in the least s.uspected- products, inc'lud,ing bean bag chai,rs, le.arn more... A*llergic de_rmat_itis is the mo+st common s*kin c'ondition in ch.ildren_ younger than age .elev-en. High blood, cholesterol' is one* of the major+ ri,sk factors _for heart, disease. Learn m*or*e now! Antib+iotics do n'ot cure infe_ctions ca*used by vir.uses 'and should n,ot be taken .in th,ese cases. It is im.por_tant to take pa.inkillers -as soon as +you hav.e pain. Do n+ot ,wait for w,orsening! Neglec_ting you_r pain can be_ more da'ngerous th_at taking too' much of* pain rel,ief m_edications. In rece*nt years,, awaren.ess of the Ame.rican obes+ity -problem has inc+reased._ Are yo'u also aware?+ There are +no wrong o_besity t.reatment meth*ods*! The one that hel*ps -you lose weight* is +always righ't! Obesity in adul.t peopl+e ca'n be caused by man.y diffe_rent reaso'ns including' family+ history & moo.d. +Seasonal al'lergy is someth_ing that, I can not hea,r a-bout any more. J_us.t gimme the ne+w drug! -What is your ris'k of d*evelopi+ng heart dis+ease or ha_ving a h*eart atta-ck due to cholest,erol? As_ women and men. get o-lder, their ch+oleste-rol level's rise-. Eat reasona_bly to s,tay healthy! Chol+ester_ol, a chemic*al co,mpound produced b_y the body,+ is a com.bination o_f fat and *steroid._ Take care! *Dietary ch+olest+erol com,es mainly fr,om meat, poult+ry, fish, _and d,airy products. .By refusing +pa'in medicat-ion, you can act+ually -be causing y'our body- to create more p+ain. How m_uch w.eight woul-d you l*ike to loo'se as a re_sult of obe'sity treatment? ,It's all -pos.sible, man., If a person is a-llergic .to fl,ower polle_n he obviously 'should try. our* brand new a'llergy medicine._ If your+ child produc-es+ whistling or' hissing -sounds with eac.h brea-th, may* be its asthm*a attack-. Weight regain, after obe-sity tr'eatment i+s quite a, normal thin*g, but I know h,ow- to maintain w+eight! Obesit_y often te+nds to com_e back af'ter you,r treatment per,iod is ov*er. Pay -attention 'to you_r food! Scre+ening is adv,ised f.or kids wi+th a family hi.stor-y of high choleste+rol level o_r bloo.d fats. The ke*y to _effective ant+ibiotic t.reat*ment is to use_ the weakest- antibi'otic to do th.e job fir,st. Near_ly 6 million of 'peopl.e that suffe'r from chron+ic a+sthma in the U+nited S-tates are c_hildren. Di.scove_r the causes- of childhood a-sthma an.d what +you can do to +prev_ent asthma atta-cks. We have n.ever sold* any 'of our me,dications c,heaper th_an we sell thi's ama+zing antibiot+ic now.! This type of ant-ibiotic .naturall+y turned- contemporary* pharmacy -upsid*e down. You s*hould try*! We provide o*ur custome-rs on-ly with effec_tive and safe' medication,s, you don.'t ,have to worry! A_re with 'your penis si,ze_ and its perfor_mance? 'It's high tim'e to correc.t natu+re's mista+kes! If you ta-ke medicine _late y*ou may be in pa,in whi*le th+e painkiller _is absorb*ed and starts. to work. 'Narcoti,c painkil+lers decrea*se functions* within* the central .nervous syst'em. Use sa.fe d*rugs! It i_s rare for a person. _with asthma to* have no alle'rgy prob_lems like ha_y fever, -or food al+lergies. D.o you kno*w which foo*ds make u'p a low-cho'lester-ol diet? We .can share some 'knowledge-! Th+e lesser known e-ffects o.f obesit.y may also i,nclude asthma. and preg,na.ncy complications. * When' it seems t'hat there is ,no +hope, look around+. Som'eone is r+eady to give y*ou a hand! Ou*r environm*ental s,ituation o+ften causes. numerous al,lergi,es in pe.ople of all age's an*d races. +Asthma is a cond+ition i,n which airflow -of th_e lungs may* be pa.rtially bloc_ked by swelling.* Risk fact+ors for *alle'rgy are numer-ous & *you won't be -able to pr*otect yourself. from ev*erything! *Status ast_hmaticus is a- severe a'sthm+a attack t'hat doesn't get_ better as us+ual medic-ine is ta-ken. If you, are -ready to make _cer+tain changes in yo_ur lifestyl.e t_o lose weight yo_u are likel+y -to succeed. You _should n'ot be afraid' of pain rel+ief, drugs b.ut you should tak_e them re+sponsibly, r+emember!+ Rem*ember that_ excessive- and inappropria,te an'tibiotic use can l*ead to 'antibiotic r.esistance.' Once you s_tart to _delve int.o a few ob*esity _facts, you may be. surp-rised to learn_ the who'le truth. M*any times,, patients _will sto_p the use of ,an an,tibiotic when- they feel +better. It_'s wrong! H,ere are th*e ,most common+ causes of obes-ity:- genetics,_ illness, psycholog,y a*nd lifestyle ha_bits.* What exac'tly are antibioti+cs? An.tibioti_cs are dru_gs that +kill bacteri*a, but non.e of viruses., Remember ,that p'eople taking pai*nkillers sh,ould drink +at lea,st 64 o'z. of water each, day'. We all ,know that -butter, ice crea-m, and f+atty meats r+aise ch-olesterol.. So how d+o you solve it?+ Cholestero-l is f'ound in certa_in produ-cts we eat,, such as da,iry produc_ts, ,eggs, and me.at. Even* if you h-ave been su-ffering from- allergy sinc'e you were a- child _something can* be+ done! Y_our age, activity,_ genes a_nd psycholog'ical ma_keup determine- you.r predisposition. to extr,a weight! *Do you know +the- risks of high ch,olesterol*? Are ,you sure abou't the foods _you -eat every day?* Read about- most co+mmon breat_hing probl,em t,hat affects_ adults, -teens, and ki*ds alike'. There is no need' to '.save' pa-inkiller,s until you ar.e very il*l or your pa,in is seve-re. Use t*hem now! Spring' all*ergies kil,l nervous s*ystems of nume'rous people* 'every year. The* answer i-s simple!. This medicat.ion will 'provide. you with the se+xu'al energy you ,need t,o live happ*ily! Obesity oft+en cause+s people's_ deaths._ But even more o*f-ten it causes c_hronic depre-ssion &' anger. + You sho'uld not be afrai'd of obes'ity ju,st because y*our rela_tives are not -all slim! ,But b.e prepared! Sever.e all,ergens requi+re se'vere measures! W_e offer -you to try' our inno-vative allerg_y treatment. ,It's no't clea-r, though pos+sible, t,hat overusing dr.ugs 'increases t+he risk o_f a fatal 'asthma attac+k. Men .should seek m-edical. advice & treatme_nt if. impotence+ occurs more tha.n 50, % of the time.. Coul'd the next craze- be, qui.te lit,erally,, nuts? A _study conclud,ed that n*uts lower c'holesterol.' Most res'earcher's believe ,that different pa,ttern+s of ast-hma are all -related to -one condition.. Your. symptoms- may also vary fr,om one a-sthma, attack to the n-ext. B'e ready' to struggle!_ Generally, pai+nkillers +are categ*orized i,nto two group*s: non-nar-cotic an_d narcotic. -Be careful'! It'_s important *to know that p.ain.killers m'ay be taken in comb-inati+ons wit.h other med_ications. Why+ are people ge,tting ad,dicted to- painkille_rs more tha*n the oth.er leth*al drugs or, alcohol? Pai*n relief me+di,cations have some, common si_de ef.fects that, are generally _mild' in severity. 20 .mill*ion children- under the a,ge of 5_ years have bee.n re+corded ov_erweight gl.obally in .2005. Littl*e kids with ser*ious- disease.s - it is +very sad, bu*t it often hap+pens. Try .new allergy r_el.ief. Sometimes,, antibi_otics destroy 'the g*ood bacteria t+hat you+ need to- aid in digesti*on. Watc-h out! Today yo_ur longtim*e st-ruggle w_ith erectile dysf+unct'ion will end up w*ith+ your victory! Yo.u have a* 6% chance ,of having, as'thma if nei'ther parent ha's the .condition. Are you_ prote_cted? Remem-ber -that too m_uch of pai.n relief medi-cation ca-n lead to liv.er damage ,and even+ death.* Frequent str+ess and. tension i's not good for pe'ople who suf+fe-r from se,vere asthma attacks'. No ,matter how muc+h you 'have read abo,ut asthma, i*t al.ways has somethi+ng t_o surprise you_. We a_re waiti,ng for yo+u to try our brand+ new* impotence' treatme'nt! You're welcom*e! Antibio'tics ,are the first li*ne of +defense *against many, infections.. But they do +not aff_ect viruses. .Teens rep,ort many r'ea.sons for abusin_g pres+cription a'nd over-the-count,er .drugs like pa-inkillers. ,A major' cause o_f severe ast+hma is cigar.ette smok*e, either 1st o+r 2n+d hand. 'Avoid smoking! *Cholestero+l is responsib_le. for creat_ing membranes, V*itamin D-, nerve she*aths and bil_e sa'lts. High cho_lesterol, can increas_e your chanc*e of ha+ving he,art disease. Thin.k what you. eat, ma+n! The *obesity rat'e for chil-dren is risin.g rapi+dly as +kids spend mor.e time watchin.g TV a.nd eating.+ Don't* be stupid to mi*ss t*he chance to buy _best _erectile dysfu*nction drug a.t half pri_ce! Risk *fac_tors for allerg_y are. numerous_ & you won''t be able to p+rotect .yourself from e'verything! .Your peni*s will be 'grateful* to you for yo.ur care a-nd attentio*n.! Try out this li'ttle pil*l! High blood 'pressure -can be c+aused b-y being o.bese and overwe_ight. Think *about- your h*ealth! Freq_uent stres-s and tension -is no,t good for p-eople who *suffer fro_m severe ast-hma at*tacks. Even mild *asthmati+cs ca*n die of asthm,a, but, mo.stly due t*o improp'er care or d-elayed tre_atment. Prinivil, (Li.sinopril, Tensopr_il, Zes_tril, Hi+pril, .Carace, lis.inopril hctz, l.isinao'pril) Serevent — .Asthma, CO-P_D, Chronic Obstru+cti_ve Pulmonary Diseas.e, Inhal.er, Bro.nchospa.sm, Emphyse*ma, Bronchitis V*antin. (Cefpodoxi+me) eleva,ted intraocular, pre-ssure eugl_ucan Ve.ntricular Arrhyt'hmia Sele,giline — 'Parkin*son's Dise,ase, Depression, De+mentia+ Bayer ASA .Aspir,in (Acetylsalicy*lic Acid, .ASA) So*ma (Carisopro*dol, 'Sanoma, Ca+risoma, *pain, carisproda+l, musc-le rela-xer, muscle relax*ant, v,anadom) Via'gra O'ral Jelly [viagra+oraljell'y] (Si_ldenafil, viagr+a je'lly) Clarinex [clar-inex] (De-sloratadin_e, Neo,Clarityn, Cl'aramax, Ae,rius) Supr.apub_ic Pain azidothymi.dine per'itonit*is impote_nce acutane cyclo-sporin Ne_phropathy K-idney* Transplan_t Derma,tomyositis Confido* Pile+x [pilex] (hemo*rrh_oids) lef*t ventricular hype,rtrophy' ridal *retin-a Viagra S'uper Activ*e+ [viagra,sup+eractive] (S+ildenafil -citrate) diabet_i'c foot stemetil a,eth_ylcarbonis ch*inin Mesha.shringi Pre.menstrual Dy+sph+oric Disorder i-mitrex nasa'l spr'ay muscle -spasms Proton.ix [proton_ix] (Pantopr*azole, *Pantopan, Protiu'm, Pantozo'l_, Pantor, Pan_toloc, Astro*pan) tramadex+ Avandaryl +[avanda_ryl] (Rosi*glitazon.e Maleate, Gl_imepiride) 'social a+nxie+ty J Janumet — _Diabetes, Bloo-d Sugar m- Toot,hache co amox_iclav emth*exate- benazepril h.ydrochloride- pyrantel p+amoate sus.pension L*asix (Fur.osemide,' Frusem_id, Frusid, Frus*ol, Fr*udix, Furos_edon) pemphigus .ce*trine calcitr.iol cystinuria ,Otit_is Extern-a In Dogs +lorfast parlod-el Anx-iety Disorder Th,eoph,ylline — Asthma,* Chronic, Bron+chitis, E-mphysema, Wheezing,* Short.ness Of B,reath, B_ronchodilator, .COPD, -Apnea Avalide —' High B.lood Pressu+re, Hypertens.ion* Lozol (In-dapamide, Natri'lix) Azor +(amlodipine', olmesart,an) ,suprapub+ic pain lansop'razole _capsulitis Men's +Health ost_eoclax Arm*our — H+ypothyroid'ism aricept Di*am_ox — Glau.coma, Epilep,sy, Benign Intr-acr,anial Hyperte*nsion, Altitu,de Sickne,ss, Cy-stinuria, Dural +Ectasia, F,luid Ret*ention lovaz*a female- enhancement _Shatavari —+ La-ctation, Men,opause, H-ysterectomy', Oophorecto.my Of_loxacin (Floxin, *Exocine,. Flobacin, +Flox'al, Floxs*tat, Novecin-, Oflin, Oflo, ,Oflo*dura, Oflox, Tara.vid', Tarivid, +Zanocin) Sep,tilin —. Bacterial Infect.ions Sl-eepWell aziswi*ft. Heartz (Small Do-gs) E'xelon [e-xelon] (Riva+stigmine Capsul_es) _deprinol Microl+ean — ,Weight Loss, Obe-sity am_febu,tamone Nas,onex — Nasal A,llergy, Conge_stion, Snee,zing, .Runny N'ose Lodine — *Osteoarthritis*, Rheumato,id* Arthritis, Pain,* Joint Pain, A,llergic Dermatit+is D Danaz-ol (Dan_ocrine) Lexapro_ (Escitalo-pram, Cipr,alex, Sipr_alexa, -Seropl.ex) tran-q Zocor —* +Hyperlipidemia, C-holeste*rol, Stroke, Risk, ,Infarction Ri+sk adefovir 'dipivoxil l,iperol he,rpes *zoster lipitor_ Bactroban —. Ba*cterial Infec_tions, An*tibiotic, Sk.in Inf_ections, Fu-runcle, Impetigo .Pepcid (fa+moti_dine) herb-al viagra* Ulcerat'ive Colitis* spondylitis Comp'azin-e (Proch,lorperazine, Ste_mzine, B_uccastem, St.emetil, P-henotil, Co-mpro) A.yur Slim *Weight Regulat-or* — Weight Loss,* Obes,ity, Weight Ma+nagement., Ayurveda 12 Ci.alis Soft .Tabs' (Tadalafil) 1.56-% Vibra_mycin [v'ibramycin] (Do.xy,cycline, Monodox_, M.icrodox, P-eriostat, Vibra-Ta,bs,. Oracea, Dory,x, Vib_rox, Adoxa,, Doxyhexal, D-oxylin, Doxy)' Lovastat*in — High Cho+l*esterol, Tri-glycerides panto+prazole fas+tofen Zin*c aterax .Crestor, (Rosuva.statin) Abil,ify (Arip-iprazole, Ariz,ol, Arl*emide, Bris,king,+ Ilimit, Ir+azem, Rea+l One) Over.active Bla_dder revatio ti+ndamax A-vapro (Irbes*art+an, Aprovel, Karv*ea-) Ultimate Via.gra Pack (Vi_agra + .Viagra Soft T,abs + .Viagra Oral .Jelly)* — Erectile Dysfun+ction,- Male Enhance_ment,- Erection, Impo'tence an-ti-bacterial f'ace mask +Pro.pecia — H'air Loss, Male P+attern Baldne+ss., Androgenetic A-lopecia vaso+d_ilan Mobic (Me.loxical,m, Movalis, Melo'x, Recoxa, ,Moxen, M_obec, Mobic_ox,- Tenaron, Melocam_, pai_n) iritis Sure-gasm [s_uregasm] Melato.nin S-moking Torad,ol — Pa-in, Analgesic,* Eye A+llergy heart. pain sinusitis+ Lu_vox [luvox] (F*luvox*amine, Dumirox,- Dumyrox, Fav'erin, .Favoxi+l, Fevarin, Floxyf,ral, F_luvohex.al, Fluvoxin, 'Movox, Vox*am, +Voxamin, V'uminix) Gasex ami+kacin purim. Mycosis -fungoi.des Propecia, [prope'cia] (Finasteride,, P'roscar, F+incar, Finpecia, F*inax, Fin+ast, Finara-, F_inalo, Proster*ide, Gefin*a, Finaste*rid .IVAX, Finaste.rid Alter*nova) penis g+rowth oil nasa*l c+ongestion Ben_tyl — IBS+, Irritable, Bowel Syndro'me, *Spastic Co_lon, Muscle Spas_ms, _Anticholinerg+ic Slee,p Tea — Ayurve_da, Sleep, In.so_mnia Coreg — H+eart Failure,' Hypertens_ion, Hig.h Blood Pre'ssure, Ventr-icula.r Dysf_unction, Myocar.dial I'nfarction A'velox — In_fections, Pne+umonia, B+ronchitis, 'Sinusiti's, Skin I,nfection_s anelmin Flonase (-Fluticaso*ne prop-ionate,, Flixonase, N*asofan, f,lomist*) Angina Pector,is Ne.urobion Forte +(B1+B6+,B12) Abilif+y (Aripipr,azole, A,rizol, Arlemide,* Brisking, I*limit, Ir*azem, ,Real One) crypto.coccosi_s Ayurveda be,nemid Su,per Anti'ox GSE ,exfoliative d_ermatitis ca.tapre.s antipsychoti*c ti+molol kidney func,tio.n Purim [purim] Ox.itard Ve'rapamil +(Iso'ptin, Ver_elan, Verelan PM, C*alan, Bo*soptin, _covera) ve'rmox
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