Selasa, 27 Juli 2010 0 komentar

Penawaran Import Door to Door

PT. Bluevision Group - Freight Forwading Company
Kami PT. Bluevision Group perusahan yang bergerak di bidang Export-Import (Freight Forwading Company) yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 3 tahun dalam bidang import. Kami telah berstatus resmi terdaftar di Bea dan Cukai, dan kami juga dapat membantu pengeluaran Barang-Barang yang Tertahan, baik FCL atau LCL dengan menggunakan segala Fasilitas izin kami, Baik SRP, API-U, PIB/T, PPJK, Izin Deperindag. Izin IT, NPIK.  Sampai dengan saat ini kami telah melayani lebih dari 1200 customer yang tersebar di seluruh indonesia baik itu perorangan maupun perusahaan yang menggunakan jasa kami. \

For more info

081806771975 - Bpk. Bintang

BACA SELENGKAPNYA ... - Penawaran Import Door to Door
Kamis, 15 Juli 2010 0 komentar

Your Package Of ($500,000,00 USD)

You have a registered package. CONTENT: Bank Draft of
$500,000,00 United States Dollars in our custody.
Registered by an Official of the United Nation (Protocal
and Liaison Service). Reg.# R-2267544490000. For your
information the VAT and COD have been paid. The only
payment You are to make is $68 USD for Security Keeping
THOMPSON PHIL for shipment details

Tel: +234-8058851821

You are to reconfirm your Postal address and telephone
number for urgent service:

Full Name:

After confirmation of details our delivery team shall give
you payment details For Security Keeping Fee.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Jose Saldanha

BACA SELENGKAPNYA ... - Your Package Of ($500,000,00 USD)
0 komentar

Your Package Of ($500,000,00 USD)

You have a registered package. CONTENT: Bank Draft of
$500,000,00 United States Dollars in our custody.
Registered by an Official of the United Nation (Protocal
and Liaison Service). Reg.# R-2267544490000. For your
information the VAT and COD have been paid. The only
payment You are to make is $68 USD for Security Keeping
THOMPSON PHIL for shipment details

Tel: +234-8058851821

You are to reconfirm your Postal address and telephone
number for urgent service:

Full Name:

After confirmation of details our delivery team shall give
you payment details For Security Keeping Fee.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Jose Saldanha

BACA SELENGKAPNYA ... - Your Package Of ($500,000,00 USD)
Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010 0 komentar

Suzette Carrier

Large-scale skimmer begins testing in Gulf

By the CNN Wire Staff New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- A ship billed as the world's largest skimming vessel has begun testing its effectiveness in the Gulf of Mexico, a spokesman for its owner, Taiwanese company TMT Shipping, said Saturday.

The Associated Press - Reuters - Christian Science Monitor - Wall Street Journal

BACA SELENGKAPNYA ... - Suzette Carrier
0 komentar

Nettie Wolfe

Large-scale skimmer begins testing in Gulf

By the CNN Wire Staff New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- A ship billed as the world's largest skimming vessel has begun testing its effectiveness in the Gulf of Mexico, a spokesman for its owner, Taiwanese company TMT Shipping, said Saturday.

The Associated Press - Reuters - Christian Science Monitor - Wall Street Journal

BACA SELENGKAPNYA ... - Nettie Wolfe
Kamis, 01 Juli 2010 0 komentar

Online Casino

Any time you play at an online casino or live in Vegas and no matter what game(s) you choose to play, the overriding factor in whether or not you will attain success is discipline through money management. There are countless experts in the various casino games such as Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Video Poker, Baccarat and on down the line who lose big money despite their expertise. In a match-up between an expert at a particular casino game and an expert at bankroll management, the player that knows how to manage an online casino bankroll will succeed far more than the expert at any game that lacks discipline and self control.

The first part of developing a successful online casino strategy is organizing your gambling bankroll. You should split the bankroll apart for different gambling sessions that are based on a loss limit. For example, if you have a $1,000 gambling bankroll you could break that down into 10 session/sections of $100 each. That means that you can play for as long as that $100 lasts but once it is gone you must cut off the session and walk away. With a loss limit that is strictly enforced through discipline, you can have money management byav0iding going on "tilt" and chasing bad losses with bad money. Play online casino games at the Bodog casino with a 10% signup bonus, over $1,000,000 USD in progressive jackpots and even on your mobile phone.

Much of gambling comes down to preserving your bankroll so that you will be around and in the game when Lady Luck smiles upon you. The gambler that blows the entire bankroll in one session is never around for that swing of luck. While expertise at a particular game is great and an important ingredient of success, it is meaningless without the discipline and expertise of managing a gambling bankroll. Always keep in mind that you cannot win if you are out of the game and busted with no bankroll. Staying in the game is part of winning the game. The Bodog casino offers a weekly comp program for playing online casino games and also a $100 refer a friend bonus.

BACA SELENGKAPNYA ... - Online Casino
0 komentar

Penawaran - jasa import door to door, air freight dan sea freight

PT. Bluevision Group - Freight Forwading Company

Kami PT. Bluevision Group perusahan yang bergerak di bidang Export-Import (Freight Forwading Company) yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 3 tahun dalam bidang import. Kami telah berstatus resmi terdaftar di Bea dan Cukai, dan kami juga dapat membantu pengeluaran Barang-Barang yang Tertahan, baik FCL atau LCL dengan menggunakan segala Fasilitas izin kami, Baik SRP, API-U, PIB/T, PPJK, Izin Deperindag. Izin IT, NPIK.  Sampai dengan saat ini kami telah melayani lebih dari 1200 customer yang tersebar di seluruh indonesia baik itu perorangan maupun perusahaan yang menggunakan jasa kami.

Berikut adalah service yang kami tawarkan kepada Bapak/Ibu :

  • Company & Personal buying service worldwide
  • International Air freight & Sea freight
  • Custom & clearance brokerage
  • Door to door import services
  • Pick-up service worldwide
  • US Mail Forwading & US Warehouse Facility
  • DTD Shipment from China, Taiwan, Bangkok, Singapore, Korea

Adapun barang yang dapat kami tangani adalah : Tekstil, Furniture , Mesin, Toolls & Hardware, Supplement (vitamin), elektronik, alat musik dan motor besar.

For more info please contact us :

PT. Bluevision Group
Jln. Angkasa Kav. B6 Mega Glodok Kemayoran
Lt. UG Blok A-7 No. 2
Jakarta Pusat
Phone/Fax 021-65867714

Contact Number : Mobile 081806771975 - Mr. Bintang

BACA SELENGKAPNYA ... - Penawaran - jasa import door to door, air freight dan sea freight
.:: Mengertikah bahwa hati adalah penawar? jika ia teracuni tidakkah tubuhmu akan terancam? jagalah ia sekalipun hal itu tak mudah. Berprinsip untuk 'menjaga hati', berusaha menjadi baik supaya mendapatkan yang baik pula::. ||

Ingin Karya Anda Go Inernasional, Tampilkan Disini!!! GRATIS!!!

bagi anda yang ingin menampilkan karya anda yang berupa tulisan, bisa artikel, cerpen, novel, puisi, dll. bisa dikirim melalui email kami di Tak perlu ragu jika karya anda kurang bagus. Kami akan menghargai karya anda.
jangan lupa lengkapi data diri anda (Nama Lengkap, Tempat Tanggal Lahir, dan Alamat)

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